Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs) are amongst the leading causes of infant mortality comprising of 28% of all birth defects. These defects range from simple septal defects to complex lesions. At Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital diverse spectrum of CHD cases from all religions, caste and creed are treated totally free of cost. This high magnitude and diversity of cases is an extremely rich resource in CHD research. Invaluable biological samples from cases & their available relatives and the patient information can be stored systematically for long duration in a Biorepository which is the focus of the proposed project. These samples will be made available for research. We envision establishing a biobanking facility of national importance to contribute to research towards bringing down the incidence of CHD. Till date, we have over 7000 individual samples collected from CHD cases and their families since 2018.
Vision: To build national biorepository for CHD in India to aid the research towards bringing down the incidence of CHD.
1) To build national biorepository for CHD in India to aid the research towards bringing down the incidence of CHD.
2) To develop skilled manpower in biobanking through training
Aim: To establish Biobank for Congenital Heart Defects of potential national significance at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Research Foundation.
1. To collect biological samples including blood, serum, plasma, urine, saliva, buccal swab and any other if available from CHD patient, patient’s mother & father, any other relatives if required, available and willing.
2. To collect biological samples including blood, serum, plasma, urine, saliva, buccal swab and any other if available from healthy controls; from mother & father in case of paediatric controls, any other healthy relatives if required, available and willing.
3. To compile the detailed case history and concurrent control information about various potential environmental causal factors contributing to CHD and organize into data registry.
4. To explore various aspects related to sample storage with potential scientific significance, for efficient QA-QC measures.
5. To avail temporary or permanent storage facility for biological samples coming through multicentric studies
6. To step towards national capacity building in CHD research through training and services.
7. To contribute to spreading about importance, need and science of Biobanking in India.
- 80°C freezers
- 20°C freezer
Portable Liquid Nitrogen cans for snap freezing.